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Need help learning Connect2? Follow our Booking Tutorial.

PLEASE NOTE: Students will reserve the equipment and declare a time when they must pick up (check out) the equipment. The system authorizes them to have the equipment for up to 48 hours during the week, or a maximum of 72 hours over the weekend. The return time determines the time by which the equipment must be returned. Students may return the equipment early, but MUST have it in by that declared ending time or they will receive a violation.

Using the URL: Click the link or copy and paste into your browser to load the login screen.

Use your ONYEN to login once you are confirmed in your class and privileges assigned.
Follow the onscreen instructions to fill your cart and make your reservation.
Verify the pickup/return dates and times.
Click “Submit” to finalize your reservation.

Please be Aware:

  • You MUST have a reservation in order to checkout equipment.
  • You will be scheduling reservation pickup and return times and MUST be at the Checkout Room at the appointed times to pickup/return your equipment.
  • Checkout duration can last up to 72 hours ENDING at the time you set in your equipment reservation.
  • You MUST have equipment returned by the time you scheduled or you will receive a violation.
  • You may return equipment early.
  • You are limited in reserving some assets; for example, you may only reserve one camera at a time.
  • You may cancel a reservation up to 30 minutes in advance of a reservation time in order to avoid a violation.
  • You will be receiving email notifications and reminders of your scheduled pickup and return times. Please make sure these emails are allowed to your inbox instead of a junk mail folder.